Frequency of Replacing Daily Necessities


According to lingerie expert Maria Ryan, General Manager at DORINA UK, women who wear silk knickers, should refresh their collections every six months. Note: In general, every woman should consider replacing their underwear whenever they do a seasonal wardrobe makeover, so around every six months.


It may shock you to hear that lingerie experts say they should be replaced around every six months, although it does depend on how much you wear it. But if the followings happen, please do not hesitate to get a new bra.

●When the hook and eye adjuster cannot be tightened enough to give a snug fit around the body and the bra rides up the back.

●They couldn't maintain the best fit and lift and isn't comfortable any more stretch through wear.


Having a comfortable, supportive bed is crucial when it comes to having a good night sleep. And while many people wait for over a decade before getting a new mattress, experts say we should be getting a new one every seven to eight years.

Lisa Artis, from the Sleep Council, said, A bed with the correct support, comfort and space will ensure you wake less, move about less, are less disturbed by your partner and are less likely to wake up feeling tired or aching. We recommend replacing your mattress around every seven to eight years. We often find many people think replacing after this time is quite excessive but if you take a £1,000 bed over seven years it only works out at 20p per night.

It is not a huge price to pay for getting a good night sleep – especially when we know how important sleep is to our health and wellbeing.

She says most people only replace their mattress when they find it uncomfortable. But even though your mattress may seem okay, it may not be supporting you correctly.


Pillows should be replaced at least once every two or three years, according to experts.

Lisa said, When they have lost their loft or height, and become lumpy, discoloured or misshapen they should be replaced.

A good pillow should hold your head in the correct alignment - that is, in the same relation to your shoulders and spine as if you were standing upright with the correct posture.

It should also be tucked well into the neck and shoulder to support your head fully.